Spiritual Services



Blessing of Vehicles

In order to get blessed, small vehicles may be parked near the counter in front of the office of the pilgrim center and large ones in the ground.


Candle Light Procession


St.Alphonsa’s life blew out like a candle after radiating sweetness and light all around for a short span of time. The candle-lit rosary procession held on all Saturdays and on the 9 days preceding the Feast of the saint on 28th July starts from the shrine church at around 6.15 P.M. after the ladeenj, the Mass and the novena, circumambulates the St.Mary’s Forane church and ends at the beginning.


The devotees participate in the procession with spiritual fervour and interiorize the kenotic life of St. Alphonsa, a perfect paradigm of ideal cenobitic life. The procession ends with solemn blessing at 7.00 p.m. Thereafter, devotees also can pay homage to the relics of the Saint. People desirous of sponsoring the procession may pay the same at the office. The ‘Alphonsa Light’ designed by the Centre is sold here.

Every Saturday at 5.00 pm Holy Mass followed by Candle Procession. The ‘Alphonsa Light’ designed by the Centre is sold here.


Prayer for Sick


O Sprit of the Living god descend upon us, fill us with your gifts and confirm us in faith. Guide us with the hope of the heavenly kingdom. Enkindle our hearts with the fire of divine love. Lead us through the right path as You led St. Alphonsa through the path of holiness. Bless us to grow in purity and prudence, serving you in humility and devotion.

Cel. Let us pray with joy and exultation, Lord hear our prayer.

Res: Lord hear our prayer.

Cel. O Lord God, our Father, we pray that we may be empowered to bear witness to You as St. Alphonsa, in times of trials and sufferings and feel the healing touch of Your consoling hand in adversities and agonies of our lives.

Res: Lord hear our prayer.

Cel: Lord Jesus who prayed to the Father even in the darkest moments of Your passion, “Let thy will be done, not mine”, grace us that we may follow the path of St. Alphonsa who longed to share your passion and to fulfil your will in all situations of life.

Res: Lord hear our prayer.

Cel: Let us Pray

O merciful and caring God, to you we offer ourselves and all that we have. We thank you for the blessings you shower upon us. Forgive us our sins and omissions. O God who gave us St. Alphonsa as our model and intercessor, save us from all failures of life, and fill us with Your blissful Sprit. The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit, Lord of all forever.

Res: Amen.



“Oh Lord Jesus, hide me in the wound of your Sacred Heart. Free me from my desire to be loved and esteemed. Guard me from my evil attempts to win fame and honour. Make me humble till I become a small spark in the fame of love in your Sacred Heart. Grant me the grace to forget myself and all worldly things. Jesus, sweet beyond words, convert all worldly consolations into bitterness for me. Oh. my Jesus, the Sun of justice, enlighten my intellect and mind with Your sacred rays./purify my heart, consume me with burning love for You and make me one with You. Amen”.


Ezhuthinu Iruthu


Children can be initiated to the world of letters on any day. The solemn ceremony on the Pentecost is led by bishops and a team of priests at 8.30 a.m. Bookings for the same may be made in advance.
